Pink Jelly :p

Hair: Magika [01] Wait
Necklace: [7891.] Cubist Necklace - Gold
Bikini: !!SpoiledLiLBrat!! you so jelly pink with Azz and Lolas appliers @ Suicide Dollz
Watch: [7891.]- Aurbierre Watch Set Gold&Silver - White (W\Resize)
Leg Tattoo: HIATUS - Garter David Phat Azz App @ Fi*friday
Shoes: >.H.C.< SHARON 1.5

Teresa Lectar Basics:
Redgrave and Pink Acid
Skin: Deetalez or Deesses or T.bare
Eyes: Insufferable Dastard or Dead Apples
Teeth: *Step inSide*
Breast: Lolas Tango or Tango Mirage
Butt: Phat Azz from Luck inc.
Hands and Feet: Slink


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