The Forefront!
Hair: . Liquence . - F3 in Genetics
Lipstick:[PF] Glossy Pout Lipstick <Dark> - Red
Face Piercings: [ S H O C K ] Psychobilly Piercings Unisex @ TRFF
Guns: [DR] Design Shoulder Gun
Body Suit: DeeTaleZ Tops army body sheer Brown With Lolas Tango and Phat Azz appliers
Belt: RO - Bullet F****** Belt - Purchase Container
Bat: dl:: DirtyGirl Bat (2 vertions-mod)
Fingernails: [ S H O C K ] Shockabilly Dots Nails - Almond Series @ TRFF
Boots: Lucien.Marcelo // BLACK RAMONES BOOTS 2's
Pose: YoGa Poses - My Baseball 4 - For Posetastic
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